The Incas had a polytheistic religion; they worshipped many
gods, and believed that there was a god for every aspect of life. Although they believed in many gods, they
believed that their creator was Viracocha, and that he was worshipped before Incan times and is
regarded as the most important god. They believed that Viracocha
created the earth and all living things, and their entire religion is based on
Virachoca’s conception. The Incan religion provided a secondary rank of their
religion known as the astral level. One of the main gods of the astral
level was Inti, the sun god, he was supposed father of the first Incan king.
These gods were honoured by prayers, fasting and even human sacrifices. Civilisations that were conquered were obligated
to follow the Incan religion in addition to their own. The Incan people
worshipped the dead, ancestors, founding culture heroes, their king, nature and
its cycles. For them,
time and space were sacred, and consequently the calendar was religious and
each month had its own festival.

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